Honors/Awards/Professional Recognition:

  • FNAAS (Fellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India)
  • FNASc (Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, India)
  • FRSC (Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK)
  • NASI - Reliance Industries Platinum Jubilee Award, National Academy of Sciences, India
  • Col. Ram Nath Chopra Oration award, Indian Pharmacological Society, India.
  • TATA innovation Fellowship, Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India
  • TWAS Visiting Expert Award, The World Academy of Sciences, Italy
  • Biotechnology Overseas Award, Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India
  • BOYSCAST Fellowship, Dept. of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
  • IASTAM Award, Indian Ass. for the Study of Traditional Asian, India
  • The Fujii Otsuka Award, Tokushima University, Japan
  • Guest editor of Journal of Ethnopharmacology, a special issue on Ayurveda, published from, Elsevier Science.
  • DIA-Out Standing Service Award, Drug Information Association, USA
  • Young Pharmacy Teacher Award Association of Pharmacy Teachers of India [APTI]
  • AICTE Career Award for Young Teachers, All India Council For Technical Education, Govt. of India, New Delhi
  • APTI - Best Pharmaceutical Scientist of the Year, Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers’ of India (APTI), India
  • FAScT (Fellow of West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology, West Bengal, India)
  • Guest Editor, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Elsevier Science, the Netherlands (Upcoming)
  • Guest editor of Journal of Ethnopharmacology, a special issue on Ashwagandha
  • Guest editor of Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, special issue on “Ethnopharmacology and Validation of Traditional Medicine”, [NISCAIR], CSIR, New Delhi.
  • Guest editor of Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, special issue on “Traditional knowledge of the Northeast India”, [NISCAIR], CSIR, New Delhi.
  • Guest editor of Drug Information Journal, special issue on “Natural Health Products”, Drug Information Association [DIA], USA
  • Former President, International Society for Ethnopharmacology, Swithzerland, For details please visit: www.ethnopharmacology.org